What’s news:

The 2025 LitterBuster Spring Cleanup is on Saturday, April 26th!


A group of volunteers in safety gear.

You may have seen your neighbors out contributing their time to maintain the beauty of the Mud Creek Valley litter free. At 3.7 miles, we have the longest Adopt-A-Block in the city and also service the cross streets of Fall Creek Parkway, 75th, 82nd, 86th, and 96th Street. We partner with the East Castleton Homeowners Organization (ECHO) to coordinate the adoption of 82nd Street as well.

Litterbusters is made up entirely of local Sargent Road Association members - join us! When you sign up as an Official Sargent Road Litterbuster, you will receive a supply kit and information on areas in our neighborhood that need your help.

THANK YOU to the volunteers who are out regularly, year-round, collecting trash in their area of service! Each Spring we also host the Sargent Road Association Annual Cleanup Day, where we spend a Saturday morning cleaning up the length of Sargent Road. Thanks also to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful for their partnership and regular donation of supplies for the Clean Up Day events.

One of the easiest ways to contribute to your local community is to pick up trash -
and the best way to do that is with proper equipment!

We supply our SRA member volunteers with strong, bright yellow trash bags,
litter grabbers and the all-important safety vest.