Summer Solstice Celebration at SRNH
SRA President Franklin Roesner speaks to SRA members attending the Summer Solstice Celebration at Sargent Road Nature House
SRA celebrated the recent Summer Solstice at the Sargent Road Nature House with SRNH donors, SRA Board Members, and the Mud Creek Conservancy Board on June 21st. The pot-luck gathering was enjoyed by all, with strong attendance.
Our newly installed flooring was a special highlight of the evening; those of you who previously toured the Nature House will recall the very distressed carpeting that existed throughout the house, which has now been replaced with a gorgeous LVP wood-toned floor. Our sincere appreciation to our dedicated donors who made this improvement possible!
What a difference a floor makes! Thanks to donors, the SRNH has beautiful new floors that will be easy to maintain!
We also recently completed the repainting of the interior of the Nature House - again, thanks to a generous donation from some of our strongest supporters. The house is starting to shape up and we can't wait to share it with you - be sure to attend the next gathering for SRA members and see the progress for yourself! While you are there, be sure to notice how well-maintained the lawn is at the Nature House, thanks to a generous neighborhood volunteer who is donating his time and equipment to help us keep the landscape looking great!
Our next major goal is to replace the front deck and stairs, which urgently need attention. We have a contractor lined up and a quote in hand. Can you help us raise the $26,000 needed to tackle this important project? Once the deck has been replaced, the Nature House will be so much better suited to hosting events for the entire membership.
We welcome your support, and you can make a donation specifically targeted to the SRNH on - just select "Sargent Road Nature House Fund" from the drop-down menu. We also would love your assistance in other ways - there are going to be plenty of projects requiring a bit of elbow grease at the Nature House, and we have a wish list of items that would be useful. If you would like to donate furniture or supplies, or volunteer to assist with hands-on projects, please get in touch!